Association of Science Education Technicians NSW

Science Education Technicians Australia

National Support for School Science Technicians

Providing: a national network for sharing information

Offering: a national perspective and support

Promoting: national professional standards

Establishing: professional relationships

Mission Statement

To provide an umbrella group to connect school science laboratory staff across Australia. To provide a voice for school laboratory technicians regarding issues at a national level. To encourage the sharing of ideas across state boundaries.

History of SETA

The idea of forming a national association began at LABCON, 1999. The name SETA was devised at CONASTA in Canberra 2003 and SETA became incorporated in 2013. SETA is comprised of 2 representatives from each state and territory, drawn from their state or territory associations.

SETA accomplishments

  • CONASTA includes technicians along with a technician streamed day.
  • Collaborated with ECU and ASTA on the survey and report "The Status of School Science Laboratory Technicians in Australian Secondary Schools"
  • Performed a significant role in the development of National Standards for school science technicians
  • Advocated to establish Science ASSIST - a national on-line advisory and information service for science teachers and school science technicians
  • Ongoing collaboration with ASTA for Science ASSIST.
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